Monday, May 23, 2011

1/144 Scale Gundam 00

Build: The 00 took me about three hours to build and sand. If you want the 00 to be as show-accurate as possible you will panel line and paint the jewl, crest.


- double jointed neck
- ball jointed GN Drives
- ball jointed shoulders
- swivel on the upper arms
- hinged elbows
- hinged lower arms
- ball jointed waist
- full motion thighs
- double jointed knees
- full motion ankles

Value: As great as this model is,the 00 raiser has more accesoriesfor only a slightly higher price.

Display: Once finished the 00can accomplish almost every pose from the show. If you have the stand even better.

Invest in some gundam markers to make it look best.

Warning: Do NOT pose the neck often as this can lead to breaking or scratching of the joint.


- panel lining
- colored jewl
- colored crest


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kamen Rider Decade TV Review

This Rider show is one of personal faverates from the Hesa Rider era (I have no idea if i spelled that correctly).

Decade henshi(s) look great with one of my fave-rate belt voices. His suit design annoys some people`s pink. That through me off to but after awhile the color grows on you. His head has this interesting thing where cards are in his head and visibile in the eyes.

The story has some interesting twists that make enjoyable for the adult-fans. I not going to spoil anything so I`m not going to tell you about the alternate worlds *WHOOPS*

Another thing good about the series is that it is completly on the internet including the movies.

Bottom Line: See it. Some people were a liitle mad about Blade world but the rest is spot on.

Yea for card Riders.

Robot Damashii Strike Freedom Gundam

Quite an interesting figure. The figure is so delicate that if it wasn't for the plastic quality it would snap. Also it uses this yellow that just looks horrible, with random sparkly bits in the plastic. Also the pivot on the joint is badly visible in the back.

I brought this in America so this might be where all my complaints come from. And another factor is that the only place you can get this in American is in Disney World so the bad quality may have come from there.

 Its show accurate so if your a Seed fan get it. If not you don't need that badly.

Blog Opening

Hello and welcome to my blog. Unlike most blogs this will focus on my various interest: Gundam, Kamen Rider, Star Wars, ect.

Reviews on various models and figures will be coming soon.

Thanks for visiting my site.